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Healthy food, low-salt diet, QualityFood -

The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume less than 2 grams of sodium a day. Many health organizations think that between 1,500 and 2,000 milligrams of sodium is a good amount. While the human body does need salt in order to function, eating too much salt leads to high blood pressure, which raises a person's risk of experiencing strokes and heart disease. Excessive sodium can also stress your kidneys, causing kidney stones and kidney disease. It can cause headaches and lead to osteoporosis, too.  However, if someone wants to keep to the healthful 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of sodium, they will...

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Healthy food, QualityFood, salads -

Salad can be a healthy and fast option for meals, but many people don't like lettuce or find its flavor bland.  Pasta or potato-based salads may contain too much starch for some diets.  Coating a salad with heavy dressings or cheeses in order to improve the flavor can result in a dish so unhealthy that you may as well eat something fatty and overcooked.  With a little imagination, basic healthy and organic ingredients can be turned into delicious salads that not only taste good, but are visually appealing as well. Chickpea Salad Chickpeas make a wonderful base for a salad. ...

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fresh vegetables, quality food, salads -

Salads are generally a healthy choice in most diets, and when done right they can be packed with both flavor and nutrition. But salads also run the risk of being either boring or loaded with starches and heavy dressings, which can cancel out some of the potential health benefits. To keep things interesting, here are some unique salads that don't rely on the normal bases of lettuce, pasta, or potatoes. With a touch of creativity, you can whip up salads that are appealing and good for you. Coleslaw Typically considered an American dish, there are similar cabbage-based dishes in many cultures. While...

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food delivery, Grocery delivery, quality food -

Mobile apps for food delivery make ordering food convenient and easy. Here are the top 5 best food delivery apps in the UAE and how they work.

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Healthy food, nutrients -

Healthy eating habits that start in childhood set the stage for a lifetime of good dietary choices. Here's how to help your child enjoy healthy foods.

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