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You hear people all of the time saying they either have the money to do what they want but not enough time or the time to do what they want but not enough money. Sometimes, it seems like only the wealthy among us can live healthy lives. That could not be farther from the truth. Here are ten ways to live healthier and save money. 1. Cook your own food.  First of all, it's a lot cheaper to cook your own food than it is to constantly go out to eat. Secondly, it's a lot healthier because you know exactly what ingredients go into...

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healthy eating, Healthy food, Home cooked meals, tips for healthy eating -

Feeding the family on a budget can be challenging, especially if you're trying to live healthily. Many parents get overwhelmed with the tasks of work and child raising and find themselves eating out or bringing home takeout many nights per week. This can seem like a practical choice until you calculate the sheer volume of sugar, salt, and processed foods used in modern restaurant food and instant meals at home. The reality is that by cooking at home, you can both cut down on your family's food costs and eat far healthier than you were eating before. The simple ingredients...

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healthy eating, Healthy food, tips for healthy eating -

Everyone knows that healthy eating is essential, no matter how old you are. However, as you age, your body changes and your metabolism drops, making it even more important to eat well. In fact, many seniors gain weight because they aren't able to exercise and move around as well as they used to. Here are some tips to help you watch what you eat so you can be as healthy as possible. Start a food journal.  Write down everything you eat. This may turn into a wake-up call when you realize how much you really eat. Also, write down how...

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