Madququh Meat For Kibbeh 1kg
Madququh Meat For Kibbeh 1kg
Madququh Meat For Kibbeh 1kg

From UAE

Madququh Meat For Kibbeh 1kg

Regular price AED 60.00
* Per Piece

Weight: 1kg

Product Description:Raw kibbeh is a traditional Middle Eastern dish consisting of finely ground raw meat, typically lamb or beef, mixed with bulgur wheat, onions, and aromatic spices such as cinnamon, allspice, and cumin. This mixture is kneaded together to form a dough-like consistency. The kibbeh is often shaped into patties or balls and served as an appetizer or main course. It can also be shaped into larger, elongated forms and filled with a savory stuffing of seasoned ground meat, pine nuts, and herbs before being fried or baked. Raw kibbeh is appreciated for its rich, savory flavor and unique texture, making it a popular dish in Middle Eastern cuisine.